Established in 2011 in Senegal, International Drilling Company (IDC) is an African company specializing in drilling services. Our fleet is deployed across Africa, both on exploration projects and in producing mines. Our staff, 98% African, is made up of experienced professionals and young people who receive regular training.

Who we are

About IDC

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Humble beginnings

In 2011, IDC was created with just 4 rigs and a single customer in Senegal. It was from this point that our journey began, with the ambition of becoming a key local player in the drilling industry.

Humble beginnings

Subsidiary in Ivory Coast

IDC begins its first phase of expansion in the West African sub-region by establishing its first subsidiary in Ivory Coast.

Subsidiary in Ivory Coast

Subsidiary in Mali

One year after the creation of the subsidiary in Ivory Coast, a new subsidiary is set up in Mali, consolidating our presence in the sub-region.

Subsidiary in Mali

Rapid growth

The IDC Group accelerates its growth by acquiring the assets of Layne Drilling Mali. The same year, IDC also acquired SFE in Ivory Coast.

Rapid growth

A 4th subsidiary in Burkina Faso

In 2018, our fourth subsidiary was created in Burkina Faso, further strengthening our presence in West Africa.

A 4th subsidiary in Burkina Faso

Strategic partnership

In 2022, IDC raised its first round of financing from Adiwale Partners, a private equity fund based in Ivory Coast. This partnership enables the Group to acquire new rigs and continue its expansion in Africa.

Strategic partnership

Continued expansion and commitment to local content

In response to the recent promulgation of the local content, the Group decided to open its fifth subsidiary to further support our customers in Guinea. At the same time, the Group's head office moved to Dakar, on the VDN.

Continued expansion and commitment to local content

Dedicated to your projects

Our values

Integrity & Trust

They are the bedrock of all our relationships, whether with customers, shareholders, employees, host communities or governments. We respect the highest ethical standards and ensure that our commitments are strictly met.

Proximity & Reactivity

We are flexible and fast-acting, thanks to our decentralized operational structure, local approach to work and lean management style. Our aim is to provide the best possible solution to our customers' needs.

Human development

IDC contributes to the development of national competence, providing a high-performance local solution to the African mining industry. Our team is made up of locally-recruited talent with solid experience in the drilling industry.

Safety & Quality

The safety and well-being of our employees is always at the forefront of everything we do. Our teams are prepared and trained for safe and efficient operations. We use appropriate procedures and work practices to achieve our goals.

Social & Environmental Commitment

We are committed to ensure responsible exploration and drilling. IDC is guided by its respect for established laws and regulations, as well as local culture and customs to effectively manage social and environmental impacts.

Our mission

To provide the best drilling services anywhere in Africa.

We believe in this goal and strive to achieve it by staying close to our partners, using local resources and helping to develop the communities in which we operate.


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